The Brief
Loras College is a Catholic liberal arts college offering both undergraduate and graduate degrees. As one of four higher education institutions in Dubuque, Iowa, Loras was looking for opportunities to grow and expand upon its student base.
Our Solution
Partnering with Loras’ Marketing Department, Plaid Swan developed the social and media strategy for the Live Local, Love Loras campaign. The campaign was centered around highlighting students from high schools that Loras College was targeting for new students. Those students were featured in social posts, videos and ads designed to position them as local celebrities providing a reliable testimonial to current students who may be considering Loras College.
The Results
The first year of the campaign was so successful, it was repeated a second year and expanded into new markets. The students featured in the ads became the on-campus ambassadors during visit days and were able to connect with students from their high school alma mater. This connection and level of peer endorsement helped to address concerns in a very personalized manner.